'Right-to-Work' Laws Explained, Debunked And Demystified | http://www.forbes.com/sites/rickungar/2012/12/11/right-to-work-laws-explained-debunked-demystified/
Rick Ungar | Forbes.com | December 11, 2013
One of the enduring myths of legislation designed to bring ‘right-to-work’ laws to the states is the notion that these laws actually have something to do with the right to work.
They decidedly do not.
While—as we will see—the misnomer has nothing whatsoever to do with granting anyone a right to get work or protecting those who have a job from losing it, this “misunderstanding-by-design” has not prevented the Michigan legislature from sending two bills to the desk of Governor Rick Snyder.—legislation that, upon execution, will turn Michigan into the 24th state to adopt right-to-work laws.
Accordingly, this seems an appropriate moment to set the record straight on what these laws are, in actuality, intended to achieve.
Let’s begin by noting that many Americans continue to believe that unionism is based around the concept of the ‘closed shop’ —an agreement between an employer and the union representing the employer’s workers requiring that the employer hire only labor union members or, if nonmembers are employed, they must become a member of the union within a stated period of time or lose their job.
Not true.
The Taft-Hartley Act, passed in 1947, which amended the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, did away with the “closed shop” era in America during which an employee—who either resisted joining the union or lost his union membership as a result of failing to pay dues or some other violation—was required to be dismissed by the employer as a result of the worker losing, or never accomplishing, union member status.
But there was much more to this law.
The Taft-Hartley Act additionally required that employment agreements collectively bargained for to benefit union members would also be required to inure to the complete benefit of non-member employees, even though these employees elect not to join the union.
Already knew all of that? Excellent.
But did you know that Taft-Hartley further requires that the union be additionally obligated to provide non-members’ with virtually all the benefits of union membership even if that worker elects not to become a card-carrying union member?
By way of example, if a non-member employee is fired for a reason that the employee believes to constitute a wrongful termination, the union is obligated to represent the rights of that employee in the identical fashion as it would represent a union member improperly terminated. So rock solid is this obligation that should the non-union member employee be displeased with the quality of the fight the union has put forth on his or her behalf, that non-union member has the right to sue the union for failing to prosecute as good a defense as would be expected by a wrongfully terminated union member.
Given the fact that Taft-Hartley was providing non-union members with most all the benefits of membership without having to join up, the Republican controlled Congress that passed the law —a law specifically designed to curb union power in America— believed it would be unfair for non-member workers to gain all these goodies at no charge while members were obligated to pay dues for the very same services the union provided.
To compensate for this, Taft-Hartley required that, while nobody could be forced to join the union, non-members would be required to pay dues to the union as if they were members. These are called “agency fees”—the equivalent of union dues when paid by a non union-member.
Which brings us to myth number 2….
Non-union members, who are required to pay the union dues even when not a member, are—as a result of paying these dues—being forced to contribute to the political activities of the union despite their disagreement with the political goals the union may choose to pursue.
Again….not true.
Taft-Hartley clearly states, and a number of court cases have confirmed, that non-union members can be compelled to pay only that portion of union dues that is attributable to the cost of representing employees in collective bargaining and providing the service that are given to union members. Indeed, the law specifically states that non-members cannot be required to pay for the union’s political activities or for the costs incurred by the union resulting from organizing employees.
So, if workers (a) already have a legal right not to join a union at their workplace and can be required only to pay that portion of the union dues that goes directly to the costs of the collective bargaining and other benefits of union protection to which they are entitled even though they are not union members; and (b) bear no obligation whatsoever to pay for the political activities of the union, what do these ‘right to work’ laws seek to do and where do they come from?
The Taft-Hartley Act, which was, in truth, the true ‘right to work’ law in that it permitted those who did not wish to join a union to still hang onto their jobs, did more than simply create a situation where workers could not be barred from working in a union shop without having to join up.
While even a Republican controlled Congress could recognize the inherent fairness of requiring non-member workers to contribute to the unions in return for getting all the benefits of membership via the ‘agency fee’, the law managed to create a loophole that would allow the states to do away with agency fees altogether—if that was their desire.
That loophole is what we now know as ‘right to work’ laws—laws that permit non-union member employees to continue to get all the benefits of union representation and protection, as is still the requirement of federal law, without having to pay so much as a penny in return for these benefits.
Thus, while some choose to call these legislative actions ‘right to work’, many prefer to refer to them as laws designed to provide a ‘right to freeload’.
So, why would a state embark on what is such an obviously unfair scenario?
Says Will Collins of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, “The case for right-to-work has always rested on the importance of defending worker freedom, but right-to-work laws also have a proven track record of encouraging economic growth.”
The often-cited argument that right-to-work laws, somehow, defend worker freedom is an awfully tough case to make—as the only apparent freedom provided workers via these laws is the freedom to get something for nothing.
And not everyone agrees that the laws actually do bring business into a state.
According to a report written by economists Gordon Lafer and Sylvia Allegretto reviewing the results of Oklahoma’s right-to-work laws, and published by the Economic Policy Institute, right-to-work laws do not always work out quite so well.
Abby Rapoport, writing in the American Spectator, describes the results of the Lafer/Allegretto study—
“Rather than increasing job opportunities, the state saw companies relocate out of Oklahoma. In high-tech industries and those service industries “dependent on consumer spending in the local economy” the laws appear to have actually damaged growth. At the end of the decade, 50,000 fewer Oklahoma residents had jobs in manufacturing. Perhaps most damning, Lafer and Allegretto could find no evidence that the legislation had a positive impact on employment rates.
“It will not bring new jobs in, but it will result in less wages and benefits for everybody including non-union workers,” says Lafer.”
Still, there may be a credible argument to be made with regard to ‘right-to-work’ presenting greater opportunities for economic growth in the states that adopt the laws as both sides of the argument are likely to agree that these laws have the effect of weakening unions—and weakened unions tend to be good for business…or at least the owner of the business.
By giving non-union members a “free ride”—while preserving for them all the benefits of collective bargaining and union membership—the likelihood that employees will chose not to become members of a union are greatly increased. After all, why pay union dues when you can get all the benefits of representation for free? It would be like telling someone in need of a lawyer that they can elect to have qualified representation handling their case at a rate of $200 an hour or they can choose to have that same lawyer handle their matter for free.
What’s more, if the client feels the lawyer has failed to deliver her best work because she was doing it for no payment, that client can sue for malpractice—even though the client paid nothing for the services provided.
The inevitable result of gaining fewer members, and less money through dues and agency fees to support union collective bargaining activities, is the strengthening of the employer’s hand in collective bargaining negotiations—a trend that obviously bodes well for business profitability if less encouraging for workers who are likely to suffer lower wages as a result.
In another landmark study done by the Economic Policy Institute—a non-profit think tank which bills itself as non-partisan but, to be fair, is considered by many conservatives to lean to the left as a result of union financial support—it was determined that right-to-work laws result in lower wages, for both union and non-union workers alike, by an average $1500 per year as adjusted for cost of living in each state.
These findings have been contradicted by studies offered by organizations aligned with right-to-work advocate groups.
And then there are the all-important political ramifications.
At a time when Citizens United has fully unleashed the power of corporations to add hundreds of millions to the campaign coffers of candidates that, as we have recently seen, tend to be Republican, the American unions continue to be the largest contributor to Democratic candidates. By creating laws that are guaranteed to put a strain on union treasuries, states can virtually assure that Democratic candidates, at all levels, are likely to feel the pinch.
It should, therefore, surprise nobody that right-to-work legislation has never been passed into law by a state legislature controlled by Democrats, signed into law by a Democratic governor or that support for these laws comes down squarely along partisan lines.
The upshot?
If you are anti-union, the path to right-to-work laws is certainly one you will wish to follow.
However, if you imagine that your support is the result of a righteous belief that American workers are, somehow, being denied choices in the workplace and that this grievance requires redress, you are fooling yourself.
You can support these laws if you believe that lessening the collective bargaining power of workers will bring business to your state or that lower paying jobs is, somehow, in the interest of the nation—despite almost two generations of declining growth in worker wages in the face of skyrocketing executive compensation.
You can support these laws if you feel that it is appropriate, and in the best traditions of the nation, to win elections by denying Democrats critical funding at the very time when the Supreme Court has dramatically boosted the ability of Republicans to add millions to their campaign efforts.
However, if your concern is for fairness in the workplace, don’t be fooled.
While you may argue that having a job is better than not having a job—no matter how low or unfair the wage paid for that job maybe—right-to-work laws are not designed to do anything to improve the lot of the American worker. At best, they may result in a few low-paying businesses moving into your state should your GOP controlled state government jump on the right-to-work bandwagon.
But, in the long run, it is a pretty reasonable bet that all working Americans will suffer as a result.
Rick Ungar is a Senior Political Contributor at Forbes and considers himself the official 'token lefty. However, writing from the 'left of center' should not be confused with writing for the left as he often annoys progressives just as much as he upsets conservative thinkers. In addition to the pages of Forbes.com, you can find him every Saturday morning on your TV arguing with his more conservative colleagues on "Forbes on Fox" on the Fox News Network and at various other times during the week serving as a liberal talking head on other Fox News and Fox Business Network shows. He also serves as a Democratic strategist with Mercury Public Affairs. You can contact Rick at thepolicypage@gmail.com and follow him on Twitter @rickungar and Facebook.