CE Committee Purpose
The Continuing Education Committee is made up of representatives from each of the District's buildings. This committee seeks to help teachers through the relicensure process by tracking and approving continuing education credits required by the state to maintain a teacher's license in good standing in the State of Minnesota.
CE Committee Communications

Frontline Professional Learning
Our Continuing Education Committee tracks all CEUs through Frontline - part of the District's organizational management system. It is used for approving and tracking hours, requesting CEUs, as well as a registration for district in-services and Professional Growth Opportunities (PGO). You need to use your District login to access it. If you are unable to log in or have questions about Frontline please see your site rep.
You are responsible for tracking your own hours. Because Frontline is an electronic system, you can do that from anywhere. As the committee we are responsible for the approval of hours and MDE submissions. However, in the end, it is your professional responsibility to know what you need to complete for license renewal.
Most renewals occur in the summer, but you can renew as soon as January of your expiration year. It is always good to double check to make sure you have everything completed. Do not wait until the spring to complete requirements you could be fulfilling now.
Remember, for hours to be approved, you must submit your outside the district hours with evidence attached in PDF format. Without evidence your request will not be approved.
Specialty areas must be pre-marked on the evidence document to be approved for specialty hours. If they are not marked, they will be approved for hours only.
CE Committee Members
Current members and their contact info can be found in the CE Committee annual flyer above.